Transport and Active Travel Action Group

Coloured circles with bicycle icon
Fir trees in oval shape


​The Transport Action Group started out by focusing on an unglamorous and underused means of environmentally friendly transport: local buses. Out of date and misleading information at bus stops, inconvenient timetables and the poor condition of bus shelters discourage potential bus users. Faced with uncertain and irregular public transport, most car owners will choose to drive rather than take the bus.

Berwick has good links to long distance cycle routes, including the National Cycle Network, the Tweed Valley Cycle Route and The Sandstone Way. Despite the Berwick Welcomes Cyclists signs, the town itself is not bike friendly, with heavy through traffic, hazardous roundabouts and poor signage. Pedestrians and other footway users don’t fare much better. Safe crossing points on the main roads are few and far between.

Better bus information, well-signed cycle routes and safe places to cross the road may seem insignificant in response to the vast problems of climate change but each is a small step towards a
low carbon future.

Objectives of our group

  • ​To undertake surveys of bus stops, bus passengers and potential passengers, sharing the findings with Berwick Town Council and Northumberland County Council.

  • To identify needs and press for improvement in bus services, facilities and information, to help make bus travel a more attractive and viable alternative to journeys by car.

  • To identify needs and possibilities, to make Berwick safe and welcoming for cyclists of all ages and abilities.

  • To promote attractive walking routes and campaign for safe and convenient pedestrian crossings.

  • To identify hazards to users of mobility scooters and wheelchairs and campaign for practical improvements.

Please help us by taking two minutes to complete our Transport Survey


Leave the car and try a cargo bike!

As part of Northumberland County Council’s The Big Northumberland Gear Change, Berwick has been chosen to pilot cargo bike training in Northumberland.

The training is offered for free and the Council has commissioned Cycling4Everyone to deliver the training.

Latest news

Read the latest Action Group updates

Family cycling through pine tree forest

Get involved

If you would like to join our Transport and Active Travel Action group and be notified of future meetings and events please email us on

ICON document

Useful documents

Read our Meeting Minutes, Constitution and Policies