Zero Waste Hub Action Group

Coloured circles with lightbulb icon and recycle arrows
Fir trees in oval


Discussions are currently taking place towards setting up a zero waste (recycle, repair, remake) Centre. This could include a Climate Info / Exhibition Hub, which we think would be a wonderful resource for Berwick and meeting our overall aspirations. Some local organisations have started to look at this - let’s work together to help make this happen.

Greener Berwick Repair Cafe

Greener Berwick Repair Cafe

Our new Greener Berwick Repair Cafe has been a great success. We meet on the last Saturday of the month at The Salvation Army Church Hall, 53 Church Street, Berwick, from 10am - 1pm.

Thank you to our wonderful bank of repair volunteers who have helped make Berwick’s first Repair Cafes a success. We’re always on the look out for new repairers to to share the load with our existing volunteers, so please email us if you have skills to offer or would just like to help out.

We have tea, coffee and cake courtesy of our Zero Waste pals Northern Soul Kitchen so you're welcome to drop in for coffee and see our Repair Cafe in action!

Objectives of our group

  • To address the need for better waste reduction and a more comprehensive recycling system within the town, through initial research and comparison studies across counties, including Scotland, starting with a visit to the Northumbrian Recycling Depot. To follow this with working closely with Suez, the local waste company, Town Council and NCC to initiate improvements where possible.

  • To develop a series of interconnected local initiatives, which will jointly work towards the development of a more effective, circular economical model for Berwick; by encouraging a creative re-use and regeneration of materials and products.  The ultimate aim would be to reduce the amount of ‘stuff’ that ends up in landfill, such as the reduction of equipment, appliances and furniture, i.e. to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle , Repair, Remake.

  • To work closely with different sections of the community, such as skilled trades-people, older and young people , local businesses, creative people, as well as local organisations towards setting up firstly a Repair Cafe with Remakery Workshops.  To follow this with the development of a Tool Library and  Library of Stuff, that would require funding for staff  and venue, with proper storage space.

  • To provide support and, wherever possible, work in partnership with other local initiatives and businesses that also focus on the zero waste objective, such as the existing culture of upcycling within the many vintage and charity shops in Berwick - also, the Northern Soul Kitchen, that provides delicious, healthy meals from intercepted food.

  • At a later stage, to research, initiate and develop the following strands of the Creative Zero Waste Vision & Strategy:

(a)  Other multi-purpose, flexible workshop spaces with storage to accommodate larger items of  community-owned equipment for workshop and individual use.

(b)  Waste material storage space for creative use, such as re-upcycling, redesign and repair of discarded items.

(c)  Up-cycling and reduction of local food waste, working with like-minded organisations such as Northern Soul Kitchen and local community food growing initiatives, plus our own Community Growing  Action Group.

(d)  Climate Advice, Information and Exhibition Space.

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Hand holding spanner fixing bike wheel

Get involved

If you would like to be involved in discussions about our Zero Waste Hub Action Group and be notified of future meetings and events please email us on

ICON document

Useful documents

Read our Meeting Minutes, Constitution and Policies