Great Big Green Week 2022 – how did it go?


An ambitious Great Big Green Week programme of talks, films, music and stalls showcasing Greener Berwick action group work and more, was enjoyed by all who attended in the last week of September.


New contacts were made, interesting discussions had, delicious food enjoyed and there was the Steve Morrison band (with some climate related songs) to relax with and thought provoke on Saturday evening.

Greener Berwick Great Big Green Week event

A lot of effort by volunteers ensured success for the Great Big Green Week, and a big thank you is due to Liz Wilcox and the organising team, plus all the other volunteers that came forward for the events. The Palace Green Pavilion provided a friendly atmosphere throughout, despite it being rather off the beaten track.

Greener Berwick Great Big Green Week event

Greener Berwick meeting - 18th October 2022


Action Groups Update - October 2022