Our Repair Café is one year old!

The Greener Berwick Repair Cafe is going from strength to strength! Bring your broken items and we'll see if we can mend them, or just drop in for a gander.

Our next Repair Cafe takes place on Saturday 29th June 2024, 10am-1pm at The Salvation Army Hall on Church Street, Berwick.

And we always need volunteers to help – not only with repairing, but also with setting up (9.30 to 10am) serving tea and cake, and washing up (anytime between 10am to 1pm) and putting chairs and tables away afterwards (1pm to 2pm), so if you have a spare hour please come along to the Salvation Army Hall – just tell the person on the reception desk that you would like to help.


Action Groups Update - June 2024


Action Groups Update - March 2024